Here are scenarios we have encountered and addressed, either personally or for friends or acquaintances who needed help finding support for their children.

New adhd diagnosis (COmbined type)

My son just got diagnosed with ADHD. He’s having trouble at school keeping calm & focusing, and his confidence is low. I feel overwhelmed and upset right now. How will we handle this? The psychologist gave me some ideas, but I’m not sure where to start or how to keep track of everything.


My daughter just told me she thinks she’s transgender. Our family is reeling from this revelation and not sure how to proceed. What should I do to support my child? What are some resources that can help us? Should we tell others? How do I get the support I need?

2e (twice exceptional): gifted with autism

My son is very bright.  He knew division when he was 4.  He was programming games at 8.  Because academics come so easily to him, no one figured that he'd be a kid who needed support.  But in middle school his meltdowns, anger and anxiety at home have driven us to a psychologist and then neuropsychologist.  It has become clear that his social thinking skills and executive functioning are challenges.  We’re not sure where to go from here!

ADHD (inattentive type)

Something’s up but I’m not sure what. My daughter is very verbal, a good reader, and does well at school in general. But it feels like something is off. She seems to ‘space’ sometimes and often forgets her homework. She acts confused when I ask her details about certain assignments. Her teachers seem to think she’s fine, but I’m feeling worried. What should I do?


My son is often bored at school. He seems to process information fast and likes to work ahead, but it annoys the teacher. He loves building things and reading at home. I’ve heard a bit about giftedness, but I’m not really sure what it means. Could it apply to my son? What should I be thinking of to support him at school and to encourage his interests?

sleep apnea / sensory processing CHALLENGES

My daughter is shy & un-athletic. Her spatial sense is off. She met her milestones, albeit a bit late. She tries to play on teams, but her field sense is bad. She wants to ride a bike, but her balance is off. She bumps into people. She’s often tired and snores at night. I'm unsure how to support her. 

When my daughter was diagnosed with sleep apnea, Carmen helped us navigate the complex healthcare system so that she could get the care that she needed without having to wait for months. She advised us on specialists and provided clear, practical tips on how to navigate the system. Her advice came with so much compassion & warmth, which was especially helpful during this stressful time.
— Caroline