Common questions we hear at the beginning of parents’ journeys. 
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What do I do if I suspect my child has autism?
Autism is a spectrum and can show differently depending on the age, gender and where kids are on the spectrum. At a young age (5 and under) the best first step is to visit your primary care physician. As the children get older, getting a diagnosis from a neuropsychologist is the best bet. There are many behavioral conditions that have a lot of overlap with autism. A good neuropsychologist can tease those out so you can find the best support for your child.

What are ways kids with autism are supported?
There is a lot of support for children with autism. Depending on the age and where a child falls on the spectrum, they might need different kinds of help. The three main areas where kids with autism need most support are social skills, speech pathology and occupational therapy. If your child is non-verbal, the first level of support should be the child's pediatrician. There is plenty of support for parents, too.

How do aspergers and autism differ?
Aspergers is a term that used to be used for “high-functioning” autism. While it is still referenced by schools and doctors, it is being phased out as a clinical term. Children with aspergers are generally able to function well in most situations, but need social skills support because of their inability to read non-verbal cues.

How do autistic boys and girls differ?
The ratio between boys and girls who get autism is 3:1. Autism appears differently in most kids, and even more in girls and boys. The characteristics of an autistic child (restricted interest, repetitive behaviors, social isolation, poor non-verbal language skills, inability to take different perspectives ) are more commonly noticed with the boy brain. While many of these challenges are true in girls, girls tend to value social interaction more and thus camouflage their behaviors. Girls also use copying neurotypical peers as a tool to help them socially. But inside, it is incredibly stressful for girls to pretend. Like boys, girls with autism generally have preoccupation with one hobby, but with girls it might be a more socially accepted hobby like horses.


How can I tell if my child is gifted?
The definition of Giftedness has changed over time. In the past, an IQ score of 130 or higher indicates giftedness. While some schools dedicated to gifted education still use this number as a criteria for entry, research now shows that kids can be gifted even if their overall IQ is under this number, as long as there is an area (e.g. verbal) that is over a certain amount. Also there are characteristics that a professional might look for identifying if a child is gifted.

What sort of resources are available for gifted children.
Gifted children need not only opportunities to go at their own pace but also social emotional support. There are podcasts, organizations, camps and schools specifically for gifted children.

What do you look for in a school if your child is gifted?
Schools that allow for projects where kids can go deep at their own pace. Also schools that have staff that understand gifted children and their needs.

Can you be gifted and have learning challenges?
Yes. There are many children who are gifted and also have a neurological challenge (learning, attention, etc.). The label for this is twice exceptional or 2e.

2e/Twice Exceptional

What does 2e mean?
”Twice exceptional” refers to gifted or bright children with some form of disability - whether a learning, attention, social or other difference.

What percentage of children are 2e?
About 6% of children with disabilities are twice exceptional and have high academic aptitude or test gifted. Many bright or gifted children experience asymmetry of ability when they are very strong in a certain area and lag behind in others, even if they are not diagnosed with a specific disability.

How can I support my twice exceptional child?
If your child is twice exceptional, it is important to understand both their strengths and their struggles and approach them uniquely. Help them lead with their strengths. Work with teachers to seek alternate modes of assessment or expression if possible. Seek support from school and medical or mental health specialists as necessary.

What are school challenges for twice exceptional students?
School can be very frustrating because while children need the high concept, advanced presentation of curriculum, they sometimes struggle with OCD, ADHD, Autism, Sensory, Integration Disorder or Dyslexia. For example, children with ADHD and giftedness might struggle with tests because of focus.

Learning Differences/Disabilities

How is a child diagnosed with a Learning Disability?
While teachers might notice behavior that appears to be a learning disability, they are not allowed to make a formal diagnosis. A learning disability is diagnosed generally by a neuropsychologist who can, via testing, see that there is a gap between individuals’ potential and actual achievement.

At what age can a Learning Disability be diagnosed?
Generally learning disabilities are diagnosed after the age of 7 or 8, the age at which children should be able to do basic tasks such as reading, writing, math.

What are the top Learning Disabilities?
Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, Oral / Written Language Disorder, Dyspraxia.

What are top qualities for a tutor for your child?
Learning Disabilities are hidden disabilities. Generally children who have one or more are bright and able to cover up confusion/compensate for awhile. That said, they struggle and it can impact self-esteem. Tutors who work with your child should be patient and flexible. They should be able to work on strategies that work for your child, not just teaching your child content.


How do I know if my child has ADHD?
There are 3 kinds of ADHD: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive, and combined, each with their own set of symptoms. While all children display elements of inattention and hyperactivity at times, children with ADHD have chronic and more noticeable challenges. Medical and psychological professionals can help diagnose this disorder.

Can a child with ADHD be gifted?
Absolutely! Children with ADHD have a wide range of intellectual abilities. Many of them above average intelligence and some are gifted as well, just as in the general population. When a child with a diagnosis of ADHD also tests gifted, they are sometimes called "twice exceptional."

Are ADHD medications safe for kids?
For most children, ADHD medications safely and effectively relieve symptoms, assisting with focus and calming hyperactive behaviors. Studies demonstrate that about 80% of children with ADHD treated with stimulants improve with the right medication and dose.


How do I know if my child is transgender?
When a child's basic sense of gender identity does not match their body and assigned sex, they may be transgender. Many children experiment with gender expression and may pass through various phases on the way to determining their ultimate identity. Some children persist in identifying a different way, and they may eventually be termed transgender.

At what age does a child know their gender?
Experts generally agree that children typically begin to categorize their own gender by age 3. They may be able to recognize gender groups even earlier, between 18-24 months.

How can I support my transgender child?
The most important way to support your transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming child is to accept them and work with them to find the right path. Educate yourself about gender, follow their lead, and help them with social, medical and/or psychological interventions as necessary.

For more information about how we can support your child, see Who Can Benefit and Services.