Often, clients benefit from our signature resource and consulting package. However, we are happy to provide individual services à la carte or bundled in a way that suits your needs. Please contact us for more info (link to contact page) to find the help you need for learning, social, attention, or gender differences.

Whether you’ve just received a diagnosis, have a hunch you need to speak with someone before approaching professional practitioners, or don’t yet feel comfortable sharing something within your network, we can help. Our free consultation is a time to listen to your story to see if we can support you, and leave you with ideas for resources.


The hour is filled with whatever you need the most. Personalized to what you are going through in the moment. Powerful questions allow parents to have their own "ahas". “Have you thought of” ideas are next, then follow up actions and a robust resource plan to help in the coming weeks. 


We dive into the emotional and educational aspects of the challenge you’re facing. Focused on “ages and stages,” our methodology takes parents through the steps of acceptance and empowers them to take action. We discuss your needs and teach strategies for self-compassion. And we provide the tools and resources to work through your fears and take impactful next steps.


Bring a group of friends or join an existing group of parents (as available) for a certified coach-led 2-3 hour session about the issues parents face while navigating journeys with their children. Parents will leave with feedback from others, as well as readings, local resources and strategies. We partner with you to choose topics based on the needs of participating parents. Some ideas of workshops include:

  • Easily Over-Looked Girls - What to do when you are the only one that suspects something is off, when you should act, and why.

  • ADHD - What schools don’t tell you and how you can help your child.

  • Gender - Where to start if my child is unsure or uncomfortable about their gender.

  • 2e - If my child is that bright, why is school so hard?

  • Gifted - Keeping kids excited about school when it’s boring. 


If all you need for now is a quick list of local resources, relevant online sites, topical content, places or networks to consider, schools, etc. we can easily customize one for you.


Bring Lauren and/or Carmen to your own event. We can facilitate parent meetings, speak on panels, and even provide 1:1 or small group support at your location. We can do this one time or on a recurring basis, as needed.